How to not insult a woman

There's a lot of angry priviledged white men out there recently, and one of their major complaints is that everything they say to a woman will be soon regarded as sexual harrassment and one will have to make a triplicate attorney-approved contract before asking a woman out for a date because yadda yadda yadda.

So I thought that maybe I could produce some examples of common phrases and sentences that won't insult a woman.

Of course you might imagine, there might be one who will find anything insulting. But be advised, that some men are assholes - and some women are too. These examples will minimise the "threat" of diminishing your already fragile masculinity.

Generally speaking, we're talking about respect. Respect is this cool thing which basically states that you feel the person you are addressing is at least at your own social, intellectual etc level. Respect is when you understand the person you are addressing has a significant amount of achievements, has their own life, their friends, family, public presence, that they are an intelligent human being so before passing any form of judgement (though I wouldn't recommend passing judgements at all) you learn about them, about their life, what they do, what kind of a person they are. Respect is cool. Women like it. You should try it.

If this general term is still too tough, I'm gonna give you some examples of compliments that aren't respectful and some, that are genuinely quite cool.

ok so let's start with bad:

whistling - are you actually trying to attract a dog? Should we bark? Or are you at a dog level of intelligence? (no offense to doggos, they are super intelligent but you know what they are as well? Respectful!)
screaming while I'm passing you on a bench "Oy u single?!" - Literally as I hear this you don't even exist. You're just a retarded sentence floating in mid air. I didn't even notice you. And I will ignore you even if you're Brad Pitt.
whistling and then running after me asking for a recipe for spaghetti - actual pickup method personally witnessed. Although quite hilarious, running after me while I'm just minding my own business doing shopping in Aldi is just gonna get me confused.
trying to grope a woman undetected while on a bus - you should go to a psychiatrist and sign yourself up for a mental treatment. Best locked.

good stuff, watch out:

complimenting the music I listen to - Radiohead fren is my fren.
complimenting my tattoo - yes I did suffer a lot having the needle drill down my spine but it's a statement to my identity and I'm proud of it.
complimenting my determination, my hobbies or the stuff that I make without "clever" comments like "ehehehe you got a snake, one eyed?"
even complimenting clothes is fine as long as you don't go all "ooh nois tits!". That damn dress might've costed fortune and of course I'm proud of it.

Basically all complements that are not meant to point at a body part and make women feel like sex objects, but rather actual hard working human beings.

If you're still confused about it, may I redirect you to this brilliant The Rock Test which you can exercise while speaking with women.

And if you're still confused... well, can't do much in your case then.

Rejecting negativity

One of my year's resolutions was to extensively limit the sources spewing negative and distracting information.

It's been going rather well. From my Facebook feed I deleted clickbait websites like Bored Panda, which went from cool and creative to forwarding garbage, I cleaned out my groups subscriptions (no more chemtrails lolcontent paranoia!) and un-liked news feed websites which dealt with only negative material, making my mood just a little bit more crappy every day.

Then there's these chainmail like "1 share = 1 eur for this child" which triggers me like dark skinned children trigger Donald Trump, and which are the reason a part of my family isn't really fond of me - I guess some people prefer to live in a dreamworld and get angry if you tell them that that poor deformed boy's picture's been taken 30 years ago (google image search, oh how brilliant you are). Or they just don't know any better. I hate this type of scam.

It builds up, like a cigarett butt dropped every day at the same place and never cleaned. Until your stress levels and anxiety hits red line and you snap for apparently no reason. Over something stupid.

Since I removed all of that... life has become quieter. More creative. More stable. It has regained part of its quality.

I'm still not sure if I should give some people this exact treatment. Energetic vampires, as they're called in the mass media (I guess), and although I understand these are simply people who need help, I don't think it's worth to try support them again and again if they clearly don't want to be helped. Any joyful tiny little event from my life gets smashed down with a brick for being "too average". Every little success gets blasted with negative comments like "oh then it must've been a pretty low bar". And, to be fair, just by writing these words I come to a conclusion that it's not worth the time.

Remove negativity from your life, whether it's negative influences, distractions, things that bring you down on a daily basis. It will make a difference.


The Queen Rat, as opposed to "All my Pets are Insane" will be dealing with more serious subjects that I would like to talk about. Sexism, racism, the toil of being an immigrant and what the hell is actually going on in Poland at the moment and why it is dangerous for the whole Europe to ignore it.

It will, sometimes, be also about some lighter subjects like my love of martial arts and creativity, and how society is evolving to something completely new (and how it's not necessarily a bad thing).

I might put some clues and advices to people who wish to move to Germany on how to go on about it.
